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Lass, Sander | Bender, Benedict

Dedicated Data Sovereignty as Enabler for Platform-Based Business Models


The digitalization of value networks holds out the prospect of many advantages for the participating compa- nies. Utilizing information platforms, cross-company data exchange enables increased efficiency of collab- oration and offers space for new business models and services. In addition to the technological challenges, the fear of know-how leakage appears to be a significant roadblock that hinders the beneficial realization of new business models in digital ecosystems. This paper provides the necessary building blocks of digital participation and, in particular, classifies the issue of trust creation within it as a significant success factor. Based on these findings, it presents a solution concept that, by linking the identified building blocks, offers the individual actors of the digital value network the opportunity to retain sovereignty over their data and know-how and to use the potential of extensive networking. In particular, the presented concept takes into account the relevant dilemma, that every actor (e. g. the machine users) has to be able to control his commu- nicated data at any time and have sufficient possibilities for intervention that, on the one hand, satisfy the need for protection of his knowledge and, on the other hand, do not excessively diminish the benefits of the system or the business. Taking up this perspective, this paper introduces dedicated data sovereignty and shows a possible implementation concept.

Kategorie Proceedings
Autoren Lass, Sander; Bender, Benedict
Erscheinungsort Hannover
Konferenztitel Conference on Production Systems and Logistics 2021
pp. 382-393
DOI 10.15488/11299
Keywords information gateway; data security; information flow control; platform acceptance