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08/2019 Journalbeiträge

Gronau, Norbert

The appropriate degree of autonomy in production systems


Existing factories face multiple problems due to their hierarchical structure of decision making and control. Cyber-physical systems principally allow to increase the degree of autonomy to new heights. But which degree of autonomy is really useful and beneficiary? This paper differentiates diverse definitions of autonomy and approaches to determine them. Some experimental findings in a lab environment help to answer the question raised in this paper.

Kategorie Journalbeiträge
Autoren Gronau, Norbert
Zeitschrift CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
Datum 08/2019
Volume 21
Ausgabe 8
pp. 70-80
Verlag Elsevier
DOI 10.1016/j.cirpj.2019.05.001
Keywords Cyber-physical system, Degree of autonomy, Simulation, Production system
ISSN 1755-5817
BibTex @artice{article,author = {Gronau, Norbert}, year = {2019}, month = {8}, pages = {70-80}, title = {The appropriate degree of autonomy in production systems}, journal = {CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology}, doi = {10.1016/j.cirpj.2019.05.001}, keywords = {Cyber-phyiscal system, Degree of autonomy, Simulation, Production system}}