09/2015 Journal contributions

Ullrich, André | Weber, Edzard | Sultanow, Eldar

Creativity Technique-based Appraisal of the Strategic Component of a Business Model


Business models should be inspected before going to mar- ket. For this purpose several analytical methods are avail- able. Another approach is to use creativity techniques to appraise specifi cally the strategic component of a business model. These may off er diverse possibilities to identify other business solutions far from conventional mindsets and ex- periences. Furthermore, this may stimulate the professional discourse among the team members and increase group awareness of complex scenarios, problems and solutions. This paper presents a use case of a creativity technique to check the alternatives of a pharmaceutical database soft- ware-based business model in a particular scenario with strong impacts on that business model.

Category Journal contributions
Authors Ullrich, André; Weber, Edzard; Sultanow, Eldar
Journal AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems
Date 09/2015
Edition 2
pp. 17-25
Publisher Gito