The healthcare industry has been slow to adopt new technologies and practices. However, digital and data-enabled innovations diffuse the market, and the COVID-19 pandemic has recently emphasized the necessity of a fundamental digital transformation. Available… (mehr)
Die zunehmende Verwendung digitaler Technologien in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft führt branchenübergreifend zu neuen Strukturen, teilweise entstehen komplett neue bzw. verschwinden ganze Branchen. Ebenso gewinnt auch in der Gesundheitswirtschaft die Digitalisierung… (mehr)
Multi-sided platforms (MSP) strongly affect markets and play a crucial part within the digital and networked economy. Although empirical evidence indicates their occurrence in many industries, research has not investigated the game-changing impact of… (mehr)
Digital transformation is based on direct and indirect effects of the application of digital technologies and techniques on organizational and economic conditions on the one hand and new products and services on the other. Its impact can be distinguished… (mehr)