Der Beitrag adressiert die Erstellung von Virtual-Reality gestützten (Lehr- und Lern-) Räumen für die betriebliche Weiterbildung im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes. Der damit verbundene Konzeptions- und Umsetzungsprozess ist mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen… (mehr)
Virtual reality can have advantages for education and learning. However, it must be adequately designed so that the learner benefits from the technological possibilities. Understanding the underlying effects of the virtual learning environment and the… (mehr)
Learning in virtual, immersive environments must be well-designed to foster learning instead of overwhelming and distracting the learner. So far, learning instructions based on cognitive load theory recommend keeping the learning instructions clean and… (mehr)
With the latest technological developments and associated new possibilities in teaching, the personalisation of learning is gaining more and more importance. It assumes that individual learning experiences and results could generally be improved when… (mehr)