New cooperation with proALPHA ERP
The Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems and proALPHA ERP strengthen the knowledge transfer between university and industry

Michael Finkler, Managing Director proALPHA and Chairman of the board VDMA Software and Digitalization and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau, Scientific Director Center for Industry 4.0 and Chair holder Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems
A cooperation for the transfer of knowledge between research and paratice
proALPHA ERP is a German provider of business software and supports medium-sized manufacturing and trading companies as well as users from a wide range of different industries. Every day around 1,400 employees accompany more than 5,000 customers from all over the world with their digitalization process. The high-performance ERP complete solution forms the digital backbone that links and controls systems and processes along the entire value chain. Solutions from group companies, for example for data analysis, procurement and quality management, the collection of plant and machine data, time management or access control are directly connected.
Today, proALPHA is already continuously evaluating new technologies and trends, for example Industry 4.0, Cloud or Artificial Intelligence. proALPHA examines how innovations can be implemented in business practice – and accordingly expands its portfolio that consists of software and consulting.
The Center for Industry 4.0 that was created by the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems makes a powerful research and demonstration platform for production processes available. Here, the technical possibilties of the future are already being demonstrated today, especially the demonstration of self-organizing business processes and the role humans play in them. The Center for Industry 4.0 is unique in the german-speaking world as it combines automation technology, robotics and operational application systems in an ongoing learning factory. Real technology in the field of logistics, robotics and IT is used to visually and haptically demonstrate almost any scenario of future value creation processes using simulated machines and workpieces. The research focuses on, but is not limited to:
- Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) concept for deployed production objects
- Networking with different degrees of decentralized control
- The interaction between artificial and natural intelligence
- The combination of software simulation and physical elements
Promoting technological progress, identifying trends and continuously developing relevant concepts
Collaborations between science and the economy present a critical factor of success for the emergence of innovations. Within the cooperation a network of experts is created that serves the purpose of a mutual transfer of know-how for future topics. Thereby, technological developments and future ideas should be promoted and put to use as soon as possible.
For more information about the cooperation partner, please visit: proALPHA ERP
For more information about the Center for Industry 4.0, please visit: Zentrum Industrie 4.0

proAlpha visiting the Center for Industry 4.0

proALPHA visiting the Center for Industry 4.0proALPHA visiting the Center for Industry 4.0

Michael Finkler, Managing Director proALPHA and Chairman of the board VDMA Software and Digitalization and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau, Scientific Director Center for Industry 4.0 and Chair holder Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems